GD Goenka University
GD Goenka Education City, Sohna – Gurgaon
Post Sports Officer
Application Process
Submit a Cover Letter and Curriculum Vitae
Cover Letter: State position being sought, full name, date of birth, contact details (full postal address, phone number and e mail), current annual salary and benefits, areas of teaching and research interest
Curriculum Vitae – Delineate in chronological order
a) Academic qualifications – awarding institution and year that the qualification was awarded
b) Work experience position title, name of institution/ organisation, duration of engagement and brief statement of responsibilities
c) List of scholarly publications – name(s) of author(s), year of publication, article title, journal name, volume and issue number, and page numbers
d) Research grants awarded – name(s) of co-investigators, name of funding agency, value of funding and project duration
e) Contribution to profession – editorship of journals, roles in government, academic and professional bodies
Submit Applications
(Cover Letter and Curriculum Vitae) to Selection Committee
GO Goenka University by Monday 21 December 2019
See link
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