(Established by the State Legislature Act No. 21 of 1969
“University with Potential for Excellence” & “Category – I University” recognized by UGC)
Schedule of walk-in-interviews for the posts of Assistant Professors purely on
contract basis to be appointed in various departments of the University for the
Academic Session 2020-21.
contract basis to be appointed in various departments of the University for the
Academic Session 2020-21.
Registration here
Last date for on-line Registration/submission of application. : 04.08.2020
Note: All the candidates are required to report for an interview at least an hour before the scheduled
time of the interview for verification of documents. They are required to bring along with them their
original documents/testimonials, failing which their application will be considered incomplete
and they will not be allowed to appear in the interview.
time of the interview for verification of documents. They are required to bring along with them their
original documents/testimonials, failing which their application will be considered incomplete
and they will not be allowed to appear in the interview.
Kindly view
Walk-in-interviews for the posts of Assistant Professors (Physical Education) at Guru Nanak Dev University – Interview date 6th August 2020