University of Kashmir, Srinagar
Office of the Dean Academic Affairs
For Engagement of Contractual Lecturers for the Academic Arrangement for the Academic Session -2021.
Post Lecturer (Physical Education & Sports )
The candidates possessing NET/SET/Ph.D in the relevant subject/discipline with a minimum of 55% marks at the Post-graduate level.
Desirable qualification
Kinesiology, Biomechanics, Sports Management, Health Education, To
impart Practical training of different games. Khokho, Badminton, Football, Volley & Athletics.
How to apply
Applications on the prescribed format, which can be downloaded from the University website at are invited for engagement of Contractual Lecturers on academic arrangements in the following Departments of the main campus for the academic year 2021. Application Forms complete in all respects and attached with relevant documents should be deposited in the offices of the concerned Deans of the Schools at University of Kashmir, Srinagar by or before 05.12.2020
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