- Post Sports Officer
- No of post 01
- Pay Level 10
(56100 – 167800) - Upper Age Limit 40 years
Essential Qualification & Experience:
1. Master’s degree in Physical Education / Sports Science
with a minimum of 55% marks or equivalent grade
point average with relevant experience of six years
after the qualifying degree.
2. For applicants with Ph.D. degree in relevant discipline,
duration of Ph.D. up to three years would be counted
towards experience.
Desirable 1. Applicants should have specialization in at least one
sport such as Hockey, Athletics, Gymnastics, Weight
lifting, Swimming, Kabaddi, Football, Volleyball, Table
Tennis, Cricket. N.I.S Coaching Diploma holders and
medal winners in inter-university/national games will
be given preference.
How to apply:
Candidates possessing the requisite qualification and experience may apply online only (https://www.iitgoa.ac.in/career.php?pg=non_faculty). The online application portal will be opened on 27.08.2021 for filing online applications and the last date for closing the online application interface is 26.09.2021. The candidates shall upload all the relevant documents in the application portal as detailed below. The proof of fee payment has to be uploaded separately.